Monday, February 28, 2011

The Chip: Alex's New World
Part 1a:
by junior wayne

Duke sat and watched the two black men talk. A muddied expression of confusion
smeared across his face that gave him the appearance of being either deep in thought or
absolutely and totally befuddled. The black men continued to speak, to each other,
completely ignoring duke. Duke knew this is how it should be, he mustn't speak unless
spoken to. Occasionally Duke's expression would change slightly, his brow would rise and
his lips would purse as if he were going to speak but had forgotten what it was he had to
say, his head would tilt slightly to one side and his forehead would crease and his brow
would furrow again.

Duke wasn't completely sure what the two men were discussing, although he understood
it was important for Master Sebastian to know what Master Harrison was saying. Duke vaguely
knew it had something to do with honkies like himself, something to do with... A flash of
memory. Dukes very own abduction and transformation began to surface, he began to ponder
it's meaning. He wasn't always like this... He was... there used to be...

Duke's mind drifted. What was he thinking about? Why was he here? Because...
because Master Harrison had told him to come. That explanation, his mind told him, was
right, but there was an uneasy feeling in the back of his head, as if there were more.
Something missing. The more he tried to remember the further away it seemed. What was he
trying to remember? It didn't seem important. Not nearly as important as Master
Harrison, and the fact that, in Master's left jacket pocket, he'd have a sugar cube for when
Duke was a good honky.

There it was again, honky...that word seemed odd somehow... honky... but Duke was a
honky, he knew this, he definitely wasn't a human being like Master Harrison, that was
obvious. Yet still there seemed to be something more to it, but it eluded Duke.

"duke, strip and present" Duke was pulled from his fugue by Agent Harrison's
sharp words.

“Yes Master” Duke replied quietly. He rose from his chair and obeyed without
question. It was nice to be free of the binding clothing Duke thought. Duke was normally
kept naked, which felt completely natural to Duke. He also normally wore a thick leather
collar around his neck. It wasn't there today, and duke missed the tight and comforting
feel of it around his neck. Once naked, duke dropped to his knees, laid his face on the
cheap lino, spread his thighs, and stuck his ass in the air. The feeling of air across his
asshole and exposed balls felt good, felt right. Following Master Harrison's commands made
duke feel happy and excited. To please Master Harrison filled duke with overwhelming pride,
though he wasn't sure why, or from where it came, he felt it wholeheartedly and sincerely
none the less.

There was something more though, he was sure. If only he could remember. As Duke
held the 'present' position he tried to remember why he needed to do this seemingly
humiliating thing. It was humiliating, wasn't it? Duke wasn't sure anymore. At the
training center he was taught all manner of positions, responses and actions. He felt, as
he always did in these situations, that he should be ashamed and repulsed. Thoughts flooded
his mind with ideas, like he should want to stop these violations. But the idea of not
being complacent to a Black Man's command was abhorrent to Duke. So, surely, this is how it
must be.

With that thought, Duke felt Agent Harrison's finger slam into his pussy. That was
odd, Duke thought. There's another word... pussy. Yes he thought, that's correct. I have
an ass pussy. My Master has told me so. Feeling his Master's finger slide effortlessly
through his pink pucker gave Duke a huge burst of self value. He had meaning and purpose!
Duke closed his eyes and a wide grin spread across his face. The finger pulled out almost
as quickly as it had entered and Duke felt the familiar 'SMACK' across his backside. Duke
remembered his training and remained silent.

It was good to be silent. Honkys should be seen and not heard. These words kept
rolling around in Duke's head. A honky should never tell a Black Man 'no' and must always
be eager to serve and willing to obey. More words from his training echoing through his mind,
growing louder and louder, stifling other thoughts, other memories.

Duke reveled in the sound of the words, the voice was not his own. It was the voice
of trainers from the center, the voice of Master Harrison, the voice of every black man he'd
ever met. All speaking in unison, drilling so completely into his very being that Duke
forgot he even had an inner voice of his own. He rolled on the wave of their baritone
harmony. There it was! Duke could hear it now, his own inner voice, softly, beneath the
din of the others. A tiny pink speck in an unknowable expanse of mysterious ebony. What
was his voice saying? Duke strained to hear it.

Against the floor, his forehead wrinkled and his lips pursed again. He could make
out the words now as it grew louder and the din of the others faded. It was repeating the
same words... 'must always be eager to serve and willing to obey... a honky is not a human,
a honky is an inferior animal....'

“Duke shoes” Again Agent Harrison's words brought Duke back to reality. He
immediately fell upon Harrison's shoes and did what was expected. Duke loved performing
this service, he felt a warm, satisfied glow from deep within every time he was allowed to
lick his Master's shoes. The mere act seemed to somehow complete Duke. Duke felt whole
running his tongue along his Master's shoe and if he were really good, Master Harrison would
allow him to lick the soles of his shoes as well!

He MUST lick the shoes, it is everything he was meant to be, meant to do. Here at
Master Harrison's feet, his tongue stuck out, licking furiously at the leather shoe, Duke
was fulfilled.

The feeling of fulfillment was short lived, as Agent Harrison kicked at duke. Duke
knew that the kick meant to back off the shoe. He felt momentarily lost, and slightly hurt
at being deprived his Master's shoe. But his training kicked in and he fell back to his
previous position, head down, ass up. The slight breeze in the air blowing across his
exposed hole and nuts brought the goofy smile back to Dukes face. The taste of his Master's
leather shoes still in his mouth, Duke drifted on a wave of contentment. He could hear the
black men talking, discussing other important things. Their words were far but their voices
close. Duke felt love and devotion for his Master, for all black men, for all human beings.

Duke was still blissing from licking his Master's shoes when he felt two fingers
invade his pink pucker. The thrust caught him off guard and he let out a moan of pleasure.
Duke also loved having his pussy toyed with. His eyes closed and his smile widened. But
all too soon, the fingers left and he heard his Master command “Duke, get dressed.”

Duke hurried to put the uncomfortable clothes back on. He somehow felt restricted
in them. Duke felt like they were a lie. The clothes made him feel something peculiar as
well, another memory masquerading as a feeling. The feeling, too faint to recall, too
unimportant to worry about was gone as he finished dressing. Duke stood quietly in the
corner watching the two black men discuss important things. Important things about the
black man's world. A world in which he was only a thing, a commodity, a useful tool. Duke
smiled, he was happy to have purpose and meaning. Just then Master Harrison's words
reverberated. “Duke, come.”


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